Friday, May 22, 2020
Benefits Of Animal Testing - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 875 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/12 Category Biology Essay Level High school Tags: Animal Testing Essay Did you like this example? The use of animals for medical research and testing is being subjected to heated debates due to the inability of different stakeholders to strike a balance between the benefits of using the animals and the pain that is subjected to the animals in various scientific medical research. There is indeed substantial evidence that the use of animals for medical research and testing has led to tremendous advancement in the discovery of hugely beneficial drugs and still plays a critical role in the understating of different human diseases. Additionally, the use of animal testing has also provided an accurate mechanism for validating the effects of various medical and pharmaceutical products on the human body system. Despite the vast benefits of using an animal for medical testing, intensive lobbying is being made by animal rights activists to have the animal research completely abolished because they firmly believe that the pain and cruelty that the experiment does to the animals is entirely unnecessary. This paper, therefore, tries to achieve a middle ground on this vital topic by highlighting some of the benefits of animal testing in medical research and at the same time point out the critical environmental implication of animal testing. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Benefits Of Animal Testing" essay for you Create order Medical scientists generally would not prefer causing pain and injury to animals if at all the pain can be prevented. Most scientists concur that animals research and testing should be undertaken within a strict ethical framework which involves a detailed assessment of the potential effect to the animal before the testing ( Matthiensen et al. 2003). Animal testing and research remains very critical to the advancement of research in pharmaceutical and medical sector. This assertion was confirmed by the survey that was carried out by medical general practitioners 2006. In this survey, it was established that 96% of medical and pharmaceutical research experts believe that animal testing has significantly contributed to the research and discovery of drugs. The survey further affirms that 88% of medical doctors prefer pharmaceutical drugs to be tested on animals first before tried on human beings. This is to identify with high accuracy the potential effects of the pharmaceutical drugs before trying it on the human body( Gannon, 2007). Secondly, animal testing is significant in obtaining accurate medical research data that has been used to determine with the highest accuracy the potential effect of various drugs on the human body system. An expert survey by European for medical progress denoted that 84% of pharmaceutical and medical experts believes that use of animal testing has resulted into more accurate results which have led to the discovery of medicines that are potentially beneficial to the human being. Similar research by General practitioners also confirms that the use of animal research and testing improves the reliability and accuracy of medical research data (Gannon, 2007). Also, the use of animal research and testing has been confirmed to be very affordable and speeds up the medical research process. For example, the massive amount of investments that have been made by various pharmaceutical companies in discovering alternative methods of medical research and testing. The findings from these pharmaceutical companies have proven that alternative technologies that can suitably replace animal testing are costly and requires a lot of time for testing. Even in regulatory toxicology that is usually straightforward, the alternative technologies needed more than 20 tests to determine the potential risks and effects of new substances. Additionally, the introduction of alternative technologies requires validating and authentication by relevant organizations some of which are international accreditation institutions. The process of approving and certifying the non-animal techniques is always bureaucratic and not favorable to the dynamics within the medical research environment that at times requires a speedy process (Frame, 2005). Lastly, the use of animal testing can be justified in specific research by weighing out the potential benefits against the costs and effects of such medical research. This is especially true in scenarios where the risks of the new drugs to human beings outweighs the pain caused to animals to address the potential risks. Also, the use of animal testing and research can be justified when the new pharmaceutical drug is potentially impactful to human beings. For example, drugs used in the treatment of malaria and cancer that are currently prevalent in the world. In these cases, the use of animal testing is thus recommended since the benefits are much higher than the pain exposed to the animals. In conclusion, we as human beings have a responsibility to protect the animals since that is what defines us as humans. On the other hand, developing drugs to tackle certain diseases requires the use of animals for testing which makes specific animal testing experiments morally ethical. Based on these two extremes- the need to obtain accurate medical research data on certain drugs and the imperative duty of animal protection- we need to be pragmatic and strike a balance. Animal research and testing will only be justifiable if there is great precaution undertaken not to harm or expose the animals to unnecessary cruelty. Medical scientists therefore has responsibility of ensuring that any animal that they use for research should be protected. Additionally, further research on reduction and replacement technologies will reduce the use of animal for medical research and testing to only very necessary experiments where the use of animals is inevitable (Flint 2005).
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Indefinite Pronouns of Spanish
Indefinite pronouns are those pronouns that typically refer to no particular person or thing. The list below indicates which pronouns these are in both English and Spanish. In Spanish as in English, most of the words used as indefinite pronouns sometimes function as other parts of speech, often as adjectives and sometimes as adverbs. In Spanish, some of the indefinite pronouns exist in both masculine and feminine forms as well as singular and plural forms, so they must agree with the nouns they refer to. Here are the indefinite pronouns of Spanish with examples of their use: alguien  someone, somebody, anyone, anybody  Necesito a alguien que pueda escribir. (I need someone who can write.)  ¿Me llamà ³ alguien? (Did anybody call me?) algo  something  Veo algo grande y blanco. (I see something big and white.)  ¿Aprendiste algo esta tarde? (Did you learn something this afternoon?) alguno, alguna, algunos, algunas  one, some (things or people)  Puedes suscribirte a alguno de nuestros servicios. (You can subscribe to one of our services.)  ¿Quieres alguno mà ¡s? (Do you want one more?) Voy a estudiar con algunas de las madres. (Im going to study with some of the mothers.) Algunos quieren salir. (Some want to leave.) cualquiera  anybody, anyone  Cualquiera puede tocar la guitarra. (Anyone can play the guitar.)  The plural form, cualesquiera, is seldom used. mucho, mucha, muchos, muchas  much, many  Me queda mucho por hacer. (I have much left to do.) La escuela tiene mucho que ofrecer. (The school has much to offer.) Somos muchos. (There are many of us. Literally, we are many.) nada  nothing  Nada me parece cierto. (Nothing seems certain to me.) No tengo nada. (I have nothing.)  Note that when nada follows a verb, the part of the sentence preceding the verb typically is also put in negative form, making a double negative. nadie  nobody, no one  Nadie me cree. (Nobody believes me.) No conozco a nadie. (I know nobody.)  Note that when nadie follows a verb, the part of the sentence preceding the verb typically is also put in negative form, making a double negative. ninguno, ninguna  none, nobody, no one  Ninguna de ellas va al parque. (None of them are going to the park.) No conozco a ninguno. (I know nobody.  Note that when ninguno follows a verb, the part of the sentence preceding the verb typically is also put in negative form. Plural forms (ningunos and ningunas) exist but are seldom used. otro, otra, otros, otras  another, other one, another one, other ones, others  Quiero otro. (I want another one.) Los otros van al parque. (The others are going to the park.)  Un otro and una otra are not used for another one. Otros and the related pronouns can be combined with a definite article (el, la, los or las) as in the second example. poco, poca, pocos, pocas  little, little bit, few, a few  Tengo un poco de miedo. (I have a little bit of fear.) Pocos van al parque. (A few are going to the park.) todo, toda, todos, todas  everything, all, everyone  Èl comià ³ todo. (He ate everything.) Todos van al parque. (All are going to the park.)  In singular form, todo exists only in the neuter (todo). uno, una, unos, unas  one, some  Uno no puede creer sin hacer. (One cannot believe without doing.) Unos quieren ganar mà ¡s. (Some want to earn more.) Comà uno y desechà © el otro. (I ate one and threw away the other.)  Uno and its variations are often used in conjunction with forms of otro, as in the third example. Although some different pronouns are translated the same into English, they arent necessarily interchangeable. Explaining some of the subtle differences in usage is beyond the scope of this lesson. In many cases, the pronouns can be translated in more than one way into English; you must rely on context in those cases to convey the meaning.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Discussion Boards Hsa 520 Free Essays
Has 505 The major online computer services such as Health Grades, America Online Inc. , and WebMD provide health news and medical and health forums where users can access medical libraries, exchange messages, and discuss health problems. In what ways might the growing use of these services by consumers affect future strategies for: Family practitioners? HMOs? Technology refers to the innovations or inventions from applied science and research. We will write a custom essay sample on Discussion Boards Hsa 520 or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to the book, adult use of the Internet as a health information source has increased dramatically. A lot of people use the Internet to find out different diseases and illness. From a family practitioner perspective use of the Internet could be a god thing. Most people find their health care providers from the Internet and also find out about health care issues. The Internet sites allow patients to gain knowledge about what is going on with their health and help solve questions they might have. Health care coverage through the use of an HMO costs less than comparable traditional health insurance, with a trade-off of limitations on the range of treatments available. HMO might view the internet site as an advantage because that’s where majority of people to research information and this could better help HMO reach out to the general population. They can get information from potential health care seekers based off the information they are providing on the sites, it could also help them use advertise strategies to put information out there to people. Internet sites have their advantages and their disadvantages but it seems there are more advantages than not. A primary care medical group has a list of patients who had once used the group on a regular basis as their primary source of care. However, in scanning their records, these patients had not been in for an appointment in the past two (2) years. The senior partner wants to send them an informational flyer about the practice and a refrigerator magnet that has the group’s telephone number and after-hours service number. As the marketing director for the practice, evaluate this approach in light of the HIPAA regulations. Is it acceptable to implement this marketing plan under the current regulations? Explain your answer. HIPPA is used to facilitate health insurance portability, protect patient security and privacy of information, and further reduce health care fraud and abuse. HIPPA requires all health care providers to have patient consent for access to their medical records or information. According to the book, data will need to be aggregated so that medical information cannot be attached to names and addresses of individual patients. Patient identifiable information cannot be use of marketing items. Under the current regulations there are some marketing strategies that can take place but it cannot have any patient information if it is not related to treatment or payment of their care. If the organization does not have the consent of the individuals to use their information that I don’t think that it would be acceptable. Has 520 Discuss the factors that should be considered when developing a consistent IM / IT strategy. Explain your rationale. Information systems should support the strategic goals, and objectives, and priorities of the organization they serve. The factors that should be considered when developing a consistent IM/IT strategy are: 1. Aligning IM/IT with organizational strategy: This is important because there is a need for interrelationships among IM/IT, the rest of the organization and the external environment. 2. Developing IM/IT infrastructure, architecture, and policies: This plan should identify the major types of information required to support strategic objectives and establish priorities for installation for computer applications. 3. Setting IM/IT project priorities, and overseeing investments: The organization needs to be aware of the investments and where their money is going and for what projects it is going to. They have to set boundaries and have set priorities. 4. Using IM/IT benefits assessment to enhance accountability: Accountability is very important to any organization. Knowing what they have and what they are missing is very vital. Analyze the various approaches to reviewing software and hardware standards and make at least three recommendations for improvement. Provide specific examples to support your response. Three recommendations for the various approaches to reviewing software and hardware standards are: 1. Data compatibility-use of common codes and data definitions for electronic information exchange across an organization. Its important that any organization make sure the soft ware and hardware is compatible to the systems they are trying to use. 2. Central review ensures that hardware and software will ne of a type that can receive technical support and maintenance from the information system staff. . Central review can help prevent illegal use of unlicensed software within the organization. Integration discusses the advantages and disadvantages of end-user computing and determines if this is an application that should be progressively pursued. Explain your rationale. End-user computing offers the potential to expand the base of IM/IT development and overcome issues that arise when a low priority is assigned to certain applications that are nevertheless viewed as important to units within the organization. Some of the advantages of end user computing are overcoming shortages of professionals, establishment of user friendly and responsive systems, and overcoming implementation problems. Some other advantages are the systems tailored to users, enables creative use of IS, generates competitive advantage, overcomes backlog by providing systems that IS could not get round to doing, puts users nearer the information, allows for variety, Increases user awareness of IS, and Relieves work load of IT professional. The disadvantages are that they produce inappropriate systems, causes duplication, takes users away from their real job, ignores long range and technical issues, courts disaster due to lack of attention to procedures, and causes integration problems. From the e-Activity, discuss what additional challenges exist with systems integration between / among health care organizations and possible solutions to those challenges. How to cite Discussion Boards Hsa 520, Papers
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