Friday, March 20, 2020
Absence of security awareness in the Bangladesh Army Essays
Absence of security awareness in the Bangladesh Army Essays Absence of security awareness in the Bangladesh Army Essay Absence of security awareness in the Bangladesh Army Essay ABSENCE OF SECURITY AWARENESS AMONG THE SOLDIERS OF BANGLADESH ARMY- A MAJOR Menace TO THE ORGANIZATION Chapter I – INTRODUCTION (RESEARCH PROPOSAL AND DESIGN ) Problem Statement 1.â€Å"Security is the status achieved when designated information, stuff, forces, activities and installings are protected against espionage, sabotage, corruption and terrorist act, every bit good as against loss or unauthorised revelation. The term is besides applied to those steps necessary to accomplish this status and to the organisations responsible for those measures†( Joint Services Glossary of Operational Footings, p. S-4 ) . â€Å"Individual security consciousness is the cognition and attitude of the members of an organisation about the precaution of physical, material and information assets of that organisation. Awareness sing the hazards and available precautions is the first line of defense mechanism for the security of forces, information and stuff. The focal point of security consciousness should be to accomplish a long term displacement in the attitude of the members of the organisation towards security, whilst advancing a cultural and behavioral alteration within an organization†( Wikipedia, n.d ) . 2.The inordinate usage of cell phones, posting sensitive images on the Facebook, go forthing official paperss unattended by the soldiers etc. have become a regular phenomenon. It is go oning as a usual affair. Thereby, military forces are jeopardizing themselves every bit good as the organisation is besides being affected. Many soldiers are transgressing security unwittingly due to miss of equal cognition on security. The existent fact is that, they truly do non believe that it can impact their personal every bit good as organisational security. An organisation can merely be protected when its forces are good protected and witting about their personal security. Therefore, single security consciousness plays a critical function to guarantee overall organisational security.This paper will critically analyze whether absence of security consciousness among soldiers a major menace to Bangladesh Army or non. 3.The issue at manus is a complicated and intangible component. While it is perceived that absence of single security consciousness of the soldiers impacting the overall security of the organisation, the other factors are besides perchance knotted together in changing degree straight or indirectly. Research Questions 4.To reference the job statement, replies of the undermentioned inquiries will be pursued in this research:  a.Primary Question.How the absence of security consciousness among soldiers of Bangladesh Army is impacting the security of the organisation? B.Secondary Questions.In order to reply the primary inquiry, the undermentioned secondary inquiries need to be answered: ( 1 ) What is the present province of security consciousness among soldiers of Bangladesh Army? ( 2 ) How the absence of security consciousness of the soldiers going a major menace to the organisation? ( 3 ) How to heighten the security consciousness among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army? Research Objective 5.Bangladesh Army as an organisation subjected to figure of external and internal menaces. Absence of security consciousness is one of them which can impact the overall security of the organisation to a great extent. Therefore, aim of the research is to happen out whether the absence of security consciousness among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army is a major menace to the organisation or non. Purpose of the Research 6.The intent of the research is to measure the present province of security consciousness among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army. This research will besides happen out the effects of absence of single security consciousness of the soldiers on the organisation, if it has any so to happen a manner out to extenuate those. Significance of the Research 7.In the present yearss, it is of great concern that the soldiers of Bangladesh Army are missing single security consciousness. In the recent yesteryear there were many incidents like espionage, loss/theft of stuff, excess matrimonial personal businesss, route accident, drug trafficking, corrupting etc. took topographic point in about all the fort of Bangladesh Army. The figure is increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours, which finally affects the overall security of Bangladesh Army as an organisation. In this respect, no paper has been developed to happen out the affects and effects on the overall security of the organisation caused due to miss of security consciousness of the soldiers. It is traveling to unleash the country that single security consciousness can greatly act upon the overall security of the organisation. So, research on this affair would give a new position of understanding the prevailing jobs. Restrictions and Premises 8.Following restrictions were identified and premises are considered while carry oning the research: a.The subject is related to absence of security consciousness among soldiers of Bangladesh Army, as such, the research sphere is confined within the soldiers of Bangladesh Army. b.Most of the informations required for the research were confidential or secret paperss for ground forces. Therefore, sing the security jeopardy, all the required informations were non provided by the different security bureaus and subdivisions of AHQ. c.It was assumed that basic operation of all the units of Bangladesh Army is similar. The samples are collected largely from Dhaka and Mirpur camp presuming these units as the chief watercourse of Bangladesh Army. d.It was hard to acquire the true contemplation of ideas by the soldiers because of their rigidness. e.It is assumed that the samples used in the research represent the population of Bangladesh Army at an acceptable significance and the respondents have answered the study inquiries truthfully. f.The study was conducted among the soldiers, JCOs, NCOs and officers at assorted degrees from different weaponries and services. Though the figure of participants in study was less, but the consequence was assumed to be a right contemplation of the members of Bangladesh Army. g.Time and chance was non plenty to travel for a realistic land study among all the formations countrywide. Hence, the research is based on limited land study and content analysis. Review of Literatures 9.List of Literatures Consulted. a.A Survey of IT Professionals ( 2012, January ) ,The Impact of Mobile Devices on Information Security. b.Australian National Audit Office, Audit Report No. 25 ( 2009-10 ) ,Security Awareness and preparation. c.The Global Conference for Wikimedia onSecurity Awareness( 2014, August6-10 ) , London ) . d.Major Md Ferdous Iqbal ( 2012 ) , A research conducted onPsychological Approach Towards Enhancing Professionalism Among the Soldiers of Bangladesh Army,Mirpur. e.Major Md Humayun Kabir ( 2010 ) , A research conducted onAn Insight into the Military Valuess of Bangladesh Army,Mirpur. f.Robert Mcpherson and Bennett Pafford ( 1999 ) ,Safety and Security Handbook,CARE International. g.Squadron Leader Md Obaidulla ( 2004 ) , A research conducted onInformation security System of Bangladesh and in the Context of Information Warfare,Mirpur. 10.Findingss of the Literature Review.The research worker has studied a few related books, articles and a good figure of research documents on organisational and national security facet. The important 1s are highlighted below: a.A Survey of IT Professionals (2012 ) highlighted in their cardinal findings that security hazards are on the rise because of nomadic devices. It besides mentioned that deficiency of employee consciousness has greatest impact on security of nomadic informations. B.Australian National Audit Office( 2009-10 ) in their audit study mentioned that security incidents can supply valuable penetrations into an organization’s security environment, including the degree of security consciousness. Common types of security incidents like loss of personal or official resources, unauthorised entree to an organization’s premises, wrong storage of security classified information, via media of entree control etc. may be the declarative of security consciousness issues. It is besides mentioned that defects in security consciousness and preparation can sabotage the operation of the controls and patterns put in topographic point to pull off exposures to security hazards. degree Celsiuss.The Global Conference for Wikimedia on Security Awarenessheld at London has mentioned security consciousness is the cognition and attitude members of an organisation possess sing the protection of the physical and specially information assets of that organisation. Many organisations require formal security consciousness preparation for all workers when they join the organisation and sporadically thenceforth, normally yearly. vitamin D.Major Md Ferdous Iqbal( 2012 ) in his research discussed about the psychological motive of the soldiers needs to be addressed with immediate precedence for the sweetening of professionalism among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army. He besides mentioned about development of sense of duty among the JCOs / NCOs need particular attending by the appropriate authorization. vitamin E.Major Md Humayun Kabir( 2010 ) highlighted that the psychological conditioning is indispensable to insulate the members of armed forces from being infected with societal desires and outlooks which are incompatible with military life. Hence pre-cautionary steps and counterpoisons are necessary to countervail the effects of inauspicious societal influences. degree Fahrenheit.Robert Mcpherson and Bennett Pafford( 1999 ) in the Safety and Security Handbook for CARE International’s staff mentioned that each member of an organisation has a responsibility to turn to issues of safety and security proactively and flexibly at all clip. g.Squadron Leader Md Obaidulla( 2004 ) in his research paper mentioned that information in warfare should be recognized as a military and national plus. The undertaking of puting up a well-conceived construction for contending a high-tech war demands to be handled professionally. 11.Areas for Further Research.There are figure of books, booklets, literatures have published and a good figure of researches have been carried out on organisational and national security facet. So far no research has been carried out on absence of security consciousness among soldiers of Bangladesh Army which in fact is impacting the overall security of the organisation to a great extent. In the 21stcentury as a member of Bangladesh Army a soldier must be cognizant of single security in order to guarantee personal every bit good as organisational security. In visible radiation of above in this research an enterprise will be made to measure the present province of security consciousness among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army with a position to happen a manner out to guarantee overall security of the organisation. Research Hypothesis 12.There is a common perceptual experience predominating among most of the officers that soldiers of Bangladesh Army are missing in security consciousness facet which in fact presenting a security menace to the organisation. There could be figure of causes lending to the organisational security. Among those causes, absence of security consciousness is one of the of import and important 1. Therefore, the hypothesis of this paper isAbsence of security consciousness among the soldiersof Bangladesh Army is a major menace to the organisation. Research Design and Methodology 13.Conceptual Framework.The hypothesis is based upon a job statement mentioned antecedently. The sensed job is conceptualized by the research worker in the conceptual model given atAnnex A. 14.Research Type.This is a causal and primary research on which no effort was taken antecedently to carry on any survey. Therefore, the demand of a thorough survey was extremely felt to place the causes and effects of absence of security consciousness among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army on the organisational security and thereby happening possible steps to cut down their effects. 15.Research Variables. a.Case.Soldiers of Bangladesh Army. B.Independent Variable.Absence of security consciousness among soldiers. Security consciousness means holding knowledge on security issues. Absence means the province of being off ; absence of head. Therefore, absence of security consciousness implies the absence of head sing security issues. degree Celsiuss.Dependent Variable.A major menace to the organisation. â€Å"Threat means hazard, indicant of a possible threat. Negative event that can do a hazard to go a loss, expressed as an sum of hazard, effects of hazard, and the likeliness of the happening of the event. A menace may be a natural phenomenon such as temblor, inundation or a semisynthetic incident such as fire, sabotage etc.†( ) .Each organisation is cognizant of the importance of security. Therefore, it is of import to acknowledge that forces, stuff and information are the assets that require top security against possible menace. Data Collection Method 17.The research worker utilised assorted methods of informations aggregation to finish the research, as both qualitative and quantitative methods are used. The inside informations of informations aggregation methods are given atAnnex B. Survey included questionnaire study and drumhead and inside informations of which are given atAnnex C( including informations processing ) andAnnex Dseverally. Interview methods including sum-up is given atAnnex E. Summary of FGDs are appended atAnnex F. Detailss of few instance surveies are included atAnnex G. For the study, bunch trying on the random choice footing was done. Outline of the Paper 18.This paper will hold the undermentioned chapters: a.Chapter–I.This chapter contains Research job, Research inquiries, Literature reappraisal and findings, Purpose and significance of research, Hypothesis and variables of research, Data aggregation method. B.Chapter–II.In this chapter the chief focal point is to measure the present province of security consciousness among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army. The findings of the informations on the research subject are included here. degree Celsiuss.Chapter–III.In this chapter a really critical and in-depth survey has been carried out to measure how the absence of security consciousness of the soldiers affects the overall security and becomes a major menace to the organisation. It will besides foreground the causes of absence of security consciousness among the soldiers. vitamin D.Chapter-IV.In this chapter few steps is highlighted to heighten the security consciousness among the soldiers of Bangladesh Army. vitamin E.Chapter-V.It contains the sum-up of major findings of the research. Finally establishing on the findings, a few recommendations will be made to get the better of the grey countries.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Emperors of Chinas Han Dynasty B.C. 202 to 220 A.D.
Emperors of China's Han Dynasty B.C. 202 to 220 A.D. The Han Dynasty ruled China after the fall of the first imperial dynasty, the Qin in 206 B.C. The Han Dynastys founder, Liu Bang, was a commoner who lead a rebellion against the son of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of unified China whose political career was short-lived and full of contempt from his peers. For the next 400 years, civil unrest and war, internal familial conflicts, sudden deaths, mutinies, and natural succession would determine the rules that would lead the dynasty to great economic and military success over their long reign. However, Liu Xis ended the long reign of the Han Dynasty, giving way to the Three Kingdoms period of 220 to 280 A.D. Still, while it maintained power the Han Dynasty was hailed as a Golden Age in Chinese history - one of the finest of Chinese dynasties - leading to a long legacy of the Han people, who still comprise the majority of Chinese ethnicities reported today. The First Han Emporers In the final days of the Qin, Liu Bang, a rebel leader against Qin Shi Huangdi beat his rival rebellion leader Xiang Yu in battle, resulting in his hegemon over the 18 kingdoms of imperial China that had pledged allegiance to each of the combatants. Changan was chosen as the capital and Liu Bang, posthumously known as Han Gaozu, ruled until his death in 195 B.C. The rule passed to Bangs relative Liu Ying until he died a few years later in 188, passing in turn to Liu Gong (Han Shaodi) and quickly onto Liu Hong (Han Shaodi Hong). In 180, when Emporer Wendi took the throne, he declared that Chinas border should remain closed to maintain its growing power. Civic unrest resulted in the next emperor Han Wudi overturning that decision in 136 B.C., but a failed attack on the southern neighbor Xiongu realm resulted in a several-year campaign to attempt to overthrow their biggest threat. Han Jingdi (157-141) and Han Wudi (141-87) continued this plight, taking over villages and converting them to agricultural centers and strongholds south of the border, eventually forcing the Xiongu out of the realm across the Gobi Desert. After Wudis reign, under the leadership of Han Zhaodi (87-74) and Han Xuandi (74-49), the Han forces continued to dominate the Xiongu, pushing them further west and claiming their land as a result. Turn of the Millenium During the reign of Han Yuandi (49-33), Han Chengdi (33-7), and Han Aidi (7-1 B.C.), Weng Zhengjun became the first Empress of China as a result of her male kin - though younger - taking the title of regent during her supposed reign. It wasnt until her nephew took the crown as Emporer Pingdi from 1 B.C. to A.D. 6 that she advocated her rule. Han Ruzi was appointed as emperor after Pingdis death in A.D. 6, however, due to the childs young age, he was appointed under the care of Wang Mang, who promised to relinquish control once Ruzi came of age to rule. This was not the case, instead and despite much civil protest, he established the Xin Dynasty after declaring his title was a Mandate of Heaven. In 3 A.D. and again in 11 A.D., a massive flood struck Wangs Xin armies along the Yellow River, decimating his troops. Displaced villagers joined rebel groups who revolted against Wang, resulting in his ultimate downfall in 23 wherein Geng Shidi (The Gengshi Emporer) tried to restore the Han power from 23 to 25 but was overtaken and killed by the same rebel group, the Red Eyebrow. His brother, Liu Xiu - later Guang Wudi - ascended the throne and was able to fully restore the Han Dynasty throughout the course of his reign from 25 to 57. Within two years, he had moved the capital to Luoyang and forced the Red Eyebrow to surrender and cease its rebellion. Over the next 10 years, he fought to extinguish other rebel warlords claiming the title of Emporer. The Last Han Century The reigns of Han Mingdi (57-75), Han Zhangdi (75-88), and Han Hedi (88-106) were rife with small battles between long-time rival nations hoping to claim India to the south and the Altai Mountains to the north. Political and social turmoil haunted the rulership of Han Shangdi and his successor Han Andi died paranoid of eunuchs plots against him, leaving his wife to appoint their son the Marquess of Beixiang to the throne in 125 in hopes of maintaining their family lineage. However, those same eunuchs that his father feared ultimately led to his demise and Han Shundi was appointed the emperor that same year as Emporer Shun of Han, restoring the Han name to the dynastys leadership. Students of the University started a protest against Shundis eunuch court. These protests failed, resulting in Shundi being overthrown by his own court and the quick succession of Han Chongdi (144-145), Han Zhidi (145-146) and Han Huandi (146-168), who each tried to fight against their eunuch adversaries to no avail. It wasnt until Han Lingdi ascended the thrown in 168 that the Han Dynasty was truly on its way out. Emperor Ling spent most of his time roleplaying with his concubines instead of governing, leaving control of the dynasty to eunuchs Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang. Downfall of a Dynasty The final two emperors, brothers Shaodi - the Prince of Hongnong - and Emperor Xian (formerly Liu Xie) led lives on the run from mutinous eunuch counsels. Shaodi only ruled one year in 189 before being asked to relinquish his throne to Emperor Xian, who ruled throughout the remainder of the Dynasty. In 196, Xian moved the capital to Xuchang at the behest of Cao Cao - the Yan Province governor - and a civil dispute broke out between three warring kingdoms vying for control over the young emperor. In the south Sun Quan ruled, while Liu Bei dominated western China and Cao Cao took over the north. When Cao Cao died in 220 and his son Cao Pi forced Xian to relinquish the title of emperor to him. This new emperor, Wen of Wei, officially abolished the Han Dynasty and its familys inheritance to rulership over China. With no army, no family, and no heirs, the former Emporer Xian died of old age and left China to a three-sided conflict between Cao Wei, Eastern Wu and Shu Han, a period known as the Three Kingdoms period.
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