Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay On Sky Rocketing - 750 Words
Credit Card Delinquencies Are Sky Rocketing  And There’s Just One Answer Thats Sustainable With the stock markets at record highs and unemployment at a comfortable, there is one problem that is currently being overlooked. That issue is consumer debt and it should not be ignored, even during the good times and it should be a great concern for most people. The stubbornness of cumbersome personal debt following a recovery highlights problems that are systemic. Even with healthy looking numbers, jobs are still rapidly going overseas. Student debt increases as the cost of attending College keeps getting more costly. In certain instances, prosperity might even ensure a debt crisis thats going downhill when, for instance, local communities†¦show more content†¦The two options are debt settlement services that are for-profit and non-profit credit counselors such as the NFCC, which was started in 1951. The NFCC was the countrys first and biggest such organization that was committed to enhancing the financial well-being of people. We will compare the two alternatives and look at where we as a country want to invest our energy. The member agencies of the NFCC offer millions of consumers in-person financial education, online or via the phone. A holistic approach is taken where a thorough financial review is taken and they come up with a financial action plan that is tailored made for each client according to their goals. The Certified Counselors at the NFCC take the full gamut into account, from counseling for bankruptcy and credit card debt to first-time home buyers and student debt and ultimately an in-depth financial education. Keep in mind that one in three of the NFCC members provides multiple services that involve mentoring youth, chemical dependency programs, etc. NFCC Board Chair and President Debbie Bianucci, who is also CEO of BAI (a 90-year-old company that serves financial services organizations) said that from their extensive experience, the most effective way to deal with the problem of debt is to help empower consumers with the education and experience required to produce a solid action plan and to develop the discipline toShow MoreRelatedThe Contemporary Water Crisis Of Mumbai932 Words  | 4 PagesThis essay will explore the contemporary water crisis in Mumbai, India; a rapidly growing megacity that for decades has struggled to provide adequate access to water for their 20 million residents, and in particular the more than 10 million people living in unsanctioned self-erected slum communities that surround the city proper. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
My Traumatic Event Free Essays
My Traumatic Event It was the first week Into my sophomore year; I thought I was going to have such a fun and careless time, I had Just got out of a very bad relationship and for the first time I felt free and In control of my own life. Until the day that my traumatic event changed my look on life, and made me open my eyes to reality. I had walked over to my friend Macaulay’s house the morning before school. We will write a custom essay sample on My Traumatic Event or any similar topic only for you Order Now As I walk in the door McKay says â€Å"Hey girl I’ve got some good stuff for you. †Me: â€Å"Sure, what is it? †â€Å"I’ve got Asana that are . OMG,†she said â€Å"Oh yea sure, and if they’re only . MGM I’ll take two of them. Later on that morning I am sitting in my first period class which was speech. I am starting to feel extremely tired and I fall asleep for almost the whole period which was 90 minutes at the time. It was near the end of class, when there was about only 20 minutes left, I Instantly woke up and felt Like I was going to get sick so I quickly asked â€Å"May I go to the restroom? †My teacher must have known something was wrong because she sent her assistant with me. Once I was In the restroom, I pulled out my phone and tried to dial my great grandma so that she could come pick me up, but the embers started to look blurry. The lady who was with me asked â€Å"Are you k, are you k? Do I need to go get help? †The story from there on is kind off fog. I do remember being asked if I wanted to go to the nurses’ office. Once I was in the nurses office I was asked what was going on. â€Å"l took two Asana that were . OMG. †â€Å"I’m sorry Ashley but I couldn’t understand that, what did you say? †I was making sense in my mind but to other people I was mumbling and stumbling. The nurse had me sit down and try to explain things to her, while I waited on the ambulance to get there. â€Å"Ashley, what did you take? â€Å"l took†¦. I would doze off and the nurse would shake me and yell†¦ â€Å"Ashley, stay with me and explain to me what happened,†she said â€Å"l took two Asana†¦. †And I would doze off again and the same thing would happen. As I’m dozing off I see black walls that have surrounded me, and I feel as if I have been asl eep for a while, when really it had only been a couple seconds. The whole time the nurse tried to get what happened out of me. As I’m waiting for the ambulance, I felt as if I had been waiting for hours. I don’t know how long I had really been waiting, but it sure did feel like forever. Finally, the ambulance had arrived. I was put on the stretcher, strapped on, and wheeled out. As I’m being wheeled out the paramedic is trying to talk to me to keep me awake, it works until we get to the front door of the school (which is not very far from the nurses office. ) I do remember that as I’m being taken out that there are all these students gathered around trying to see what Is going on. Looking back I think how embarrassing. The next part that I remember I woke up to being hooked up to monitors, EKE pads all over, an IV In my arm, and I had to have a tube shoved down my nose. I was forced to drink something until I woke up Just puking nonstop. The worst part was I had nothing in my stomach to puke up besides that black, thick liquid I had drank earlier. What I was throwing up was pretty much tar like. After that phase passed I fell asleep again. The next time I woke up my dad was sitting across the way in front of me. He was sitting there with his hands on his head, as his head was down. I didn’t even have to see the look on his face to tell that he was worried. Once he realized that I was awake I saw a look of relief and disappointment. The rest of what happened in the hospital is blur, so to mom to a conclusion I had overdosed. What I had taken was not real sure. I had blood test done in the hospital, but they are not real sure what exactly I had taken. From the description that I had given and my symptoms they said it could have been morphine, but that is not one hundred percent sure due to it wasn’t found in my blood test. I paved some heavy consequences for my actions that day, even though the drugs were not taken on school ground, my episode happened on school ground. I was suspended for seven days, and I had to give the name of the person who I had received the pills from. Of course the person who I received them from was not happy, so I took harassment from her and her family for quite a while. My dad was pretty upset with the choice that I had made, and he felt that I should be punished/embarrassed. So after I was released from the hospital I went home, I ate something, and I started to change into some pajamas when my dad said â€Å"Oh no, we’ve got softball practice tonight and you’re going! †I looked at him like he was crazy. I could barely function with all the â€Å"morphine†in my system. When I get to practice of course my dad has to tell my whole story to everyone. My coach takes me aside and wants to have a heart to heart conversation. I don’t remember everything that he said, but I do remember a few things. â€Å"Ashley, high school is a very important matter and it is very easy to get mixed in with the wrong crowd. If you want to make something out of yourself you have to graduate high school, and you have to graduate with good grades and a good GAP, so don’t let the wrong crowd ruin your future because you want impress a couple of friends you’ll only have for maybe a year or two. †I thought about what my coach said and I started to think, â€Å"What do I want to do with my future? I want to be a Nurse Practitioner. After that I started to look into colleges, I had to take into consideration a lot of things. Like the things a college looks for in a student. Good consistent grades, a high GAP, attendance, whether or not you were a good student. At that point I was not on the right path to accomplish my future goal, and from that point on I changed my life in school. I got serious, I started going to class, I was there on time, I studied for test, and I always did my homework and always turned it in on time. All of my hard work finally paved because I did graduate in May of 2013. I may not have graduated with highest honors, perfect attendance, or valedictorian, but I came close to a 4. 0 GAP, and I graduated early. After high school, I went on to college to study medical assisting. I started out in college the right way, I did not fool around at all. When all said in done I graduated in November 2013, this time I did make a difference. I graduated with perfect attendance, highest honors, and valedictorian. My hard work paved off, I am now a medical assistant at the Indianapolis VA Hospital, and I plan on moving up in the medical field and making a difference. How to cite My Traumatic Event, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Endurance Essay Example For Students
Endurance Essay Endurance plays a major role in many athletic activities. Without endurance training, many athletes would not be able to compete in their respective sports. Endurance training involves low resistance and high repetitions, but what exactly does this do to your body and how does it do it?For starters, endurance training increases the level of certain aerobic enzymes, which are needed for the breakdown of fuels to produce energy. Enzymes are proteins that speed up metabolic reactions; they release and transfer energy. Enzymes are influenced by many factors:1) Temperature- activity is increased when the muscles are warm, therefore warming up before the actual activity is very important2) Acidity- lower Ph levels reduces enzyme activity, leading to fatigue3) Fuel- enzymes work faster when they have more fuelThe faster the enzyme can breakdown your body’s fuel, the faster you will receive energy. Training also increases the number and size of the mitochondria. Mitochondria are cellular powerhouses that produce energy aerobically. All oxidative energy production takes place in the mitochondria. Oxygen is the key to endurance training, so the mitochondria are very important. Oxygen is needed to breakdown carbohydrates and fats, which provide energy. Dr. John Holloszy conducted an experiment to prove the importance of the mitochondria in endurance training. He had two groups of rats. One group was trained and eventually could exercise continually for four to eight hours. The untrained rats became tired after thirty minutes of exercise. Holloszy found a fifty to sixty percent increase in the mitochondrial protein and a twofold increase in oxygen consumption in the muscles of the trained rats. This also led to the conclusion that endurance-trained muscle fibers are better able to burn fat as a source of energy. Endurance training causes only limited gain in muscles. Muscles not in volved in training may actually lose strength. However, there may be an increase in myofibrils, but no significant increase in muscle fibers. Evidence has shown that fast-twitch fibers take on oxidative capabilities and assume the properties of slow-twitch fibers. Long distance runners have as much as eighty- percent slow-twitch fibers. Training also causes an increase in the ability of fast-twitch fibers to utilize oxygen. Endurance training also affects cardiac performance. The most obvious change that training brings about is a decrease in heart rate at both resting and at a fixed intensity. The stroke volume at all levels of physical activity is increased. The leads to a decrease in blood pressure. There is also an increase in cardiac output; cardiac output is the primary determinant of oxygen transport. Respiratory performance is affected by endurance training. It increases the endurance of chest muscles, which minimizes the loss of respiratory performance. Training also reduces the time it takes to reach a steady breathing rate once the exercise has begun. The ventilatory demands are decreased for four reasons:1) Increase in muscular efficiency2) Decrease in ventilatory drive3) Reduction in sensitivity of carotid chemorecptors4) Lesser production of lactateEndurance training can cause changes in your endocrine/hormonal system. Studies have shown the adrenal glands, which secrete epinephrine (adrenaline), enlarge with training. Epinephrine, cortisol, thyroxine, glucagon, and growth hormones are all secreted during exercise. Epinephrine and growth hormones are involved in the mobilization of fat. The need for insulin, which is usually secreted after a meal, is lowered because the muscles can take up sugar during exercise. Overall, training seems to fine tune the body’s secreti on and response to hormones. This leads to a more efficient use of hormones and energy. The previous talks about what endurance training does to your body. Now let’s look at what it does to you psychological. Endurance athletes have been found to have healthier mood state profiles. There are generally classified as having lower levels of tension, depression, anger, fatigue, and confusion. However, during periods of over-training, levels of anger, anxiety, and depression are increased. Overall though, endurance athletes are more mentally healthy than an average athlete is. .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a , .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .postImageUrl , .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a , .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a:hover , .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a:visited , .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a:active { border:0!important; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a:active , .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u92f8efc5bfa6f23e7475d779e96c3c6a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet: The Dog will have his Day EssayEndurance is gained by persistency with a lighter load. This means doing maybe one set of 20-40 with ten pounds, instead of two sets of ten to twelve with twenty pounds. You progressively increase your workload. Consistency is very important. Endurance workouts are all week long, all year-round. Endurance training affects every part of your body, physically and emotionally. It makes you healthier and overall happier person. Endurance plays a major role in all of our athletic activities. Sports and Games
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