Saturday, November 30, 2019
Othello - Male Characters Essays - Othello, Michael Cassio, Roderigo
Othello - Male Characters Mike Hourie The four main characters in the play Othello represent four different character traits of manhood: Roderigo, the failure; Othello, the hero, yet the insane lover; Cassio, the noblemen; and Iago, the villain, yet the strongest character of the play. Of these four characters Roderigo reveals the weakest character traits. Iago effortlessly profits from Roderigos deficiency in a intelligence, in fact Iago himself said he would not waste time and effort on such a snipe(I iii 387) except for sport and profit. Towards the end of the play Roderigo reveals some traits that might classify him as a man with a spine. He finally stands up to Iago and threatens to expose the conspiracy against Othello and Cassio, but ultimately his flaws overpower his virtuous traits and he is persuaded by Iago to kill Cassio instead. Likewise, Othello is the tragic hero of the play but his character is also weak. Jealousy is Othellos major downfall. He reveals his insecurities in the scene where he strikes Desdemona and calls her a devil. Similarly, in the brothel scene, Othellos insecurities arise when he cruelly questions Desdemona. He condemns her as a simple bawd and a whore, which he has no real proof of. Iago also easily manipulates Othello, like Roderigo, throughout the play. Othello is naive. He demonstrates that a few well-placed suggestions can alter his train of thought, such as when Iago was talking to Cassio and made Othello believe that the lieutenant was speaking of Desdemona instead of Bianca. On the whole, Othello was a weak character and a naive man. In contrast, Cassios character is strong. He spoke about Othello with dignity and grace, which no other character in the play does. Also, Cassio showed extreme loyalty to the Moor. Cassios only flaw is that he temporarily lost his power of reasoning when he was drunk and let himself be manipulated by Iago. All in all, Cassio is a good example of how a man should act; with dignity and honor. Likewise, Iagos character is also strong. He is an intelligent man as can seen in the soliloquy where he is hatching a plan to frame Cassio to get his place (I iii). In the soliloquy Iagos intelligence is revealed in the statement How, How? - To abuse Othellos ear / That [Cassio] is too familiar with his wife.(I iii 396-39). Iago used his intelligence to think of a plan to frame Cassio and bring down Othello at the same time. Iago is also a confident man. Throughout the soliloquy Iago is confident That the moor Will be tenderly led by the nose./ As asses are (I iii 401- 404) and will be easily manipulated. However, if Iago had used his good character traits for good he would have been the hero of the play instead of Othello. On the whole, Shakespeare did an excellent job on setting the character traits for the male characters in the play: Roderigo was the snipe; Cassio, the noble gentleman; Othello, the fallen noble Moor; and Iago, the intelligent, confident and arrogant self-made villain. All the Characters in the play had some good traits but each of them had an appalling attribute that led to their downfall.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
What is the Pell Grant Amount What is the Maximum Award
What is the Pell Grant Amount What is the Maximum Award SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're looking into applying for a federal Pell Grant, you may also be concerned about budgeting out your college expenses. What should you expect, exactly, from a Pell Grant? How helpful could it be? Here, we'll outline the steps to figuring out what the Pell Grant can do for you. Read on for more information on Pell award amounts, and instructions on how to figure out whatyourgrant will look like. How Much Money Can You Get? I'll cut right to the chase: for the 2015-2016 academic year, the maximum Pell Grant amountis $5775, whereas the minimum is $600. The average award amount for 2013-2014 was $3541.The maximum/minimum award amounts are periodically updated, however - every so often, the grant award will increase to account for inflation and other factors. If you're eligible to receive the grant, your award amount depends primarily on something called your Expected Family Contribution, or EFC. Your official EFC is generated when you apply for the Pell Grant via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA; learn more about how to submit a FAFSA here. For the 2015-2016 academic year, your EFC must be at or below $5081 to qualify for the Pell. I'll go over how to estimate your eligibility in the next section. Your enrollment status (full-time versus part-time) will also affect how much Pell Grant money you're eligiblefor - full-time students will get more aid than part-time students. See our Pell Grant Chart for more detailed information about award amounts based on enrollment status. How Do I Estimate How Much I'm Eligible For? An extra $5775 a year to pay for school sounds great, right? Unfortunately, not everyone will get the maximum award amount; the good news is that you can estimate your award before you even apply. The best way to estimate your Pell Grant eligibility, as well as your eligibility for other types of federal financial aid, is through the FAFSA4caster.Our Pell GrantCalculatorguide will walk you through using this tool. If you already know your EFC and whether you'll be a full-time or part-time student, you can check out our Pell Grant Chart for an estimate of how much grant money you'll receive each semester. Not this kind of4caster What's Next? Knowing how much financial aid you can get is one thing; knowing how to actuallygetfinancial aid is quite another. Check out our Pell Grant eligibility guide for important information on how to qualify for federal financial aid. Once you've got those eligibility requirements locked down, you have to actually submit your application, right? Learn how here. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Friday, November 22, 2019
Life and Art of Cindy Sherman, Feminist Photographer
Life and Art of Cindy Sherman, Feminist Photographer Cindy Sherman (born January 19, 1954) is an American photographer and filmmaker whose â€Å"Untitled Film Stills,†a series of photographs meant to evoke a still shot from a fictional movie, launched her to fame. Fast Facts: Cindy Sherman Occupation: Artist and photographerBorn: January 19, 1954 in Glen Ridge, New JerseyEducation: Buffalo State CollegeKnown For: Photographs exploring themes of feminism, image, subjugation, and superficialityKey Works: Untitled Film Stills series (1977-1980), Centerfolds series (1981) Sherman is well known for the insertion of her own image into her photographs, donning prosthetics, costume, and makeup to transform herself into the subject of her gaze. Often engaging themes of feminism, image, subjugation, and superficiality, Sherman continues to be sought after as a voice of critique in a media-based world. She is considered a member of the â€Å"Pictures Generation†of American artists, who came to prominence in the 1970s and 80s. Early Life and Family Cindy Sherman was born Cynthia Morris Sherman on January 19, 1954 in New Jersey. She grew up on Long Island and was the youngest of five children. Because the sibling closest to her age was nine years her senior, Sherman felt like an only child, sometimes forgotten in the midst of so many others in her family. Sherman has said that, as a result of her family dynamic, she sought attention in any way possible. From a very young age, Sherman donned alternate personas with the assistance of her extensive costume wardrome. She describes her mother as kind-hearted and â€Å"good,†though primarily concerned that her children make the right impression (something which tempted the young Sherman to rebel). She has described her father as mean-spirited and closed minded. Shermans family life was not happy, and when Sherman was 15 years old, her elder brother committed suicide. This trauma had repercussions for Sherman’s personal life, and she cites it as the reason she ended up in several long-term relationships she did not want to be in, believing she could help other men where she could not help her brother. She was married to the video artist Michel Auder for 17 years in the 1980s and 90s, a marriage which ended in divorce. Beginnings as an Artist Sherman studied art at Buffalo State College. After graduating, she moved to New York City with artist Robert Longo, who was a fellow art student and Buffalo State graduate. In the 1970s, New Yorks streets were gritty and sometimes unsafe. In response, Sherman developed attitudes and attires that acted as coping mechanisms for the discomforts she would meet on her way home- an extension of her childhood habit of dress-up. Though she found it upsetting and uncomfortable, Sherman ultimately saw New York as a place of reinvention. She began to show up to social occasions in costume, and eventually Longo convinced Sherman to begin photographing her characters. These were the beginnings from which the Untitled Stills were born, most of which were photographed in or around the apartment the two shared. In many ways, the rebellious spirit instilled in Sherman as a child never left her. For example, as her work was gaining popularity in the 1980s, the artist took a turn towards the grotesque, creating work that featured various bodily fluids spilled and smeared within the frame, as a way to challenge the art world’s perception of her as salable and appropriate to â€Å"hang above a dining room table.†In the 1990s, the National Endowment for the Arts withdrew its funding from â€Å"controversial†projects. As an act of protest against what she perceived to be a form of censorship, Sherman began to photograph outrageous portraits of genitals, using plastic hospital dummies and mannequins common to medical school classrooms. This type of subversion continues to define Sherman’s career. Untitled Film Stills Sherman works in series of photographs in which she builds off a theme that addresses a social issue. Her subjects have been wide-ranging as what it means to age as a woman, the subjugating effect of the male gaze on the female form, and the contorting effects of social media on self-image. Within each series, Sherman acts as the model, costumer, make-up artist, and set designer. The â€Å"Untitled Film Stills†(1977-1980) are arguably Sherman’s most famous works. These images, all in black and white, evoke key moments in Hollywood cinema. Though the â€Å"films†from which these photographs were taken do not exist, their appeal lies in the fact that they evoke moods played out ceaselessly in popular movies, thus causing the viewer to sense that he or she has seen the film before. Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #17 (1978). The tropes portrayed by Sherman include the young ingenue, dominated by the city, who gazes off in fear at an unknown person or object out of frame, and the outcast, standing among detritus and ruins, waiting for someone to arrive. Often, these images contain within them a threat and a feeling that nothing good can come of these situations. By inserting discomfort into images of women, Sherman asks the viewer to consider the subject and understand her vulnerability. Centerfolds and Later Work In the early 80s came the â€Å"Centerfolds,†a series of double-width images intended to mimic the typically seductive and alluring poses of models placed at the center of adult magazines. Sherman turned the concept of a centerfold on its head by using the format to depict women who had endured physical abuse. The images hold the viewer accountable for approaching the works as if they were designed to please- in Shermans words, they are a â€Å"thwarted expectation. Cindy Sherman, Untitled #92 (1981). Centerfolds series. In 2017, Sherman made public her personal Instagram account, which serves as an extension of her practice. Sherman employs the tools of digital airbrushing- intended to falsely alter images of the human face to achieve the tool of flawlessness- and instead pushes these contortions to an extreme. Using applications intended to improve images, Sherman exaggerates features, thus drawing attention to the fine line between inhuman perfection (the type that only social media is capable of showing) and inhuman, almost alien-like alteration. In line with her popularity in the more traditional art world, Shermans account (cindysherman) has garnered hundreds of thousands of followers. Awards and Accolades Cindy Sherman is a widely honored artist. She has received both a MacArthur Genius Grant and a Guggenheim Fellowship. She is an honorary member of the Royal Academy, and has been represented in numerous biennials across the world. Sherman continues to be an important voice not only in contemporary art, but also in the media age. Her biting critique gets at the core of an issue and hyper-focuses on it through the poignant and intimate medium of portraiture. She lives in New York with her parrot, Frida, and is represented by Metro Pictures Gallery. Sources BBC (1994). Nobodys Here But Me. [video] Available at: (2012).Adams, T. (2016). Cindy Sherman: Why am I in these photos?. The Guardian. [online] Available at:, A. (2017). Facetime with Cindy Sherman. W. [online] Available at:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv - Essay Example The employees underwent intensive computer training for at least three days.Management was pleased with their efforts of what seemed like upgrading their division with technological advances. On the other hand, the sales representatives were disgruntled with the additional work of logging into technology and being less efficient due to their adjustment to the new tasks at hand. Glitches were also experienced with regards to the database, thereby losing prospective clients. They find themselves spending so much time learning to make their computers work, taking the time they need to do their real job which was sales. On top of that, they felt they were â€Å"ball-chained†to their supervisors who were able to reach them anytime through their computers and mobile phones, demanding reports more often than before. The sales reps were finding out for themselves that the introduction of technology in their jobs was more of a hassle than a help. Management-side stuck to their guns refusing to see systems failure. Instead, they attributed the data errors in the database as human failure to encode data correctly. This caused more conflict and division among the management and sales force. Meanwhile, the company was not doing very well in terms of service to customers and therefore, projected profits were low. The case study was concluded with management’s lack of commitment to involve the sales force. Grievances of the sales reps regarding heavy workload and increased control over their activities remained issues that management did not deal with. The prevailing organizational problems seen in the case study was a violation of a â€Å"psychological contract†, breakdown in communication in the introduction of technology in the sales work, ineffective transfer of knowledge of the benefits of technology use.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Disaster preparedness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Disaster preparedness - Essay Example FEMA has reported that most people are either trapped in buildings or homes without a way out because the earthquake has caused the doors and windows to either jam or be blocked and therefore cannot be opened from the inside. Emergency Services are unable to get to the disaster areas due to the severe road conditions that involve open gap roads and landslides. The public is in a state of near panic and hysteria because the normal avenues of communication such as the internet, mobile phones, and landlines have been taken out by the disaster causing local calls to be cut off. 2. Identify the detailed events for your scenario. In the event of an earthquake disaster, the likes of which Japan has just seen, FEMA would involve the state and local officials of the affected areas, as well as the following agencies in their rescue efforts: a. Emergency Services b. Fire Department c. Public Works d. Red Cross e. Public Schools Immediately after the quake, the USGS will release information rega rding the intensity of the quake to FEMA. This will serve as the basis for their action plan and priority actions to be undertaken. As FEMA awaits this news, the agency is already coordinating with local and national emergency services units and readying them for dispatch to affected areas.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Character Development in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free
Character Development in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Writers usually make use of and incorporate certain literary elements into their novels in order to make character development possible. Literary elementsâ€â€Conflict, Theme, and Symbolismâ€â€were employed by Twain, Austen, and Potok in varying levels as well as executed using their own literary styles and techniques in order to show the characters development and growth throughout the novels.            In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck braved that eras social conventions (including his own personal prejudices) by associating with a black man and later helping that person escape from slavery. Jane Austens Emma is a lighthearted story about a young womans disastrous foray into the pursuit of romantic matchmaking. It shows how Emmas false presumptions can conflict with the real intentions of the people whose lives she meddles with, and how her misguided actions can create unfavorable results. In Chaim Potoks My Name is Asher Lev, the young man, Asher, was embroiled in the clash between his passion and the sensibilities of his family and religious congregation.            The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn presents social conditions and attitudes during the late 1800s in America, particularly that towards racism. It chronicles the adventures and misadventures of Huck wherein he faces numerous moral and ethical dilemmas. And just like Twains novel, Austens Emma is a study on the sensibilities and social norms of her time. It tells the story of Emma, a rich and beautiful girl with a lot of idle time on her hands. Although she lives a trouble-free life, it is uneventful and devoid of excitementâ€â€she is a woman, hence, she has no true career prospects. But then Emma discovers that she has a knack for matching couples. She discovers that this endeavor provides her with great amusement so she goes off pairing up the people around her. Lastly, Asher, in My Name is Asher Lev, struggles as he is confronted by two cultural influencesâ€â€that of the Orthodox Jewish subculture that he grew up in, and that of the pervasive, secular Western culture. He is presented with the dilemma of choosing between art and his religion. Just like Hucks and Emmas stories, Ashers story chronicles his quest for truth and self-discovery.            Many authors use the element of conflict to bring about and affirm certain facets of a protagonists character. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces the conflict between the societys expectations and what his conscience tells him is right when he is given the opportunity to help Jim, a black man, escape. He struggles to see beyond the black stereotypeâ€â€what the society has taught him to be right. In the end, Huck chooses to follow what his conscience dictatesâ€â€that Jim is a human being who deserves the same rights as everybody else. He admits about Jim: I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n (Twain, 1999, p. 141). In the end, Huck developed a pure, undiscriminating sense of morality that many people of that era did not posses.            In the novel Emma, the conflict lies in Emmas inability to understand the true desires and intentions of the people around her, including her own. Emma does not realize this, and fancies herself as a good matchmaker, and as Austen describes in one episode, Emma was amusing herself in the consideration of the blunders which often arise from a partial knowledge of circumstances, of the mistakes which people of high pretensions to judgment are for ever falling into (Austen, 2003, p. 89). Ironically, what Emma thinks of other people (as evinced in the previous sentence), actually applies to her. In the end, Emma realizes that its no good making decisions for others and manipulating their lives because only they know and therefore should decide whats best for them. This discovery also leads her to mature and develop emotionally, and in the end, makes her realize what her heart truly desires.            In his novel, My Name is Asher Lev, Potok portrays the kind of pain and emotional anguish one can carry when one chooses to embrace those things that come in conflict with ones upbringing and religious ideologies. In a lecture wherein he reveals the analysis to his novels, which included My Name is Asher Lev, Potok states: â€Å"Ideas from this secular world inevitably impinge upon an individual born in a church community or a synagogue community, especially when that individual embarks on a college experience†(Potok, 1896, par. 7). As a young boy, Asher tries to break free from the conservative Hasidic community that shuns the very thing that he was passionate aboutâ€â€art. However, his dream is met with condemnation from almost everyone around him, including his family. The following litany succinctly expresses the kind of backlash and emotional turmoil this conflict has brought upon him: So strong words are being written and spoken about me []: I am a traitor, an apostate, a self-hater, an inflicter of shame upon my family, my friends, my people; also, I am a mocker of ideas sacred to Christians (Potok, 2003, p. 3). Another point of conflict deals with Ashers relationship with his father. Amidst the weight of the conflict bearing down on him, Asher chooses his own path and tries to discover his own truths. By confronting these issues, he grows as a human being, artistically and emotionally.            One dominant theme in the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is that of racism and slavery. The novel is set in a time where blacks are considered to be no more than property. As the story develops, so does Hucks character and value-system. Eschewing the societal and cultural norms of the time, he adopts a different moral outlook towards the people around him, especially when he decides to help a black man escape from slavery. In a climactic episode, Huck writes a letter to Miss Watson, Jims owner, to tell her where Jim was, but then tears up the letter and says to himself: â€Å"All right then, I’ll go to hell†(Twain, 1999, p. 193)â€â€here, he finally decides to ignore social convention and help Jim.            Marriage is a major theme in the novel, Emma. In the 1800s, marriage was one of the most important concerns for women, especially since they were financially dependent on men and could not have their own careers. Emma takes this into consideration when planning her match-ups and decides on unions which will yield the best material benefit for both parties. However, Emma eschews the idea of marriage for herselfâ€â€when her father tells her not to do any more match-making, Emma replies: I promise you to make none for myself, papa; but I must, indeed, for other people. It is the greatest amusement in the world! (Austen, 2003, p. 10). But in the end, she realizes that she too can fall in love, after all.            One important theme in My Name is Asher Lev is that of Individualism. This was explored in the context of Ashers adolescent struggle to assert his identity in an environment that rejects the very thing that makes him stand out. When an uncle compares his work that of Chagall, he replies: â€Å"No, my name is Asher Lev†(Potok, 2003, p. 313). Asher is a visionary and has prodigious painting skills, but he is pressured to conform to the conventions of his society. He tries to discover his role as an artist and reconcile it with his faithâ€â€this paves the way to his personal development, not to mention the realization of his gifts significance.            In Twains novel, the Mississippi river figures greatly in the story. It is used to symbolize life; the rivers ebbs and flowsâ€â€its movementâ€â€shows the ever-changing nature of life. The changing tides causes Huck and Jim to come in contact with different people and situations. It represents mans capacity to changeâ€â€the same way Hucks attitude and personality changed to embrace the greater morality regarding human existence. Its also a symbolic representation of freedomâ€â€in the confines of the raft, they are safe. They are in a world where laws do not apply, far from the reaches of society. Huck says: â€Å"We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft† (Twain, 1999, p. 107).            In Emma, charades and word games are symbolic of the misunderstandings in the story. The same way that its hard to guess the intimations and desires of the other characters in the novel, word games are meant to be elusiveâ€â€one can easily go wrong and perceive a totally different meaning. In a gathering, Frank makes words for the ladies to decode, but each lady attaches different interpretations to them. Such is Emmas situation: she does not perceive everyones feelings correctly so she makes a lot of false assumptions. This is more evident when she tries to hook-up Harriet and Mr. Eltonâ€â€she construes Mr. Eltons words and actions as proofs of his adulation for Harriet, when in fact it is Emma the he is interested in. When she finds out, she woefully reflects: The picture!â€â€How eager he had been about the picture!â€â€and the charade!â€â€and an hundred other circumstances;â€â€how clearly they had seemed to point at Harriet (Austen, 2003, p. 106).            Symbolism, particularly those in paintings, also plays a significant part in the novel, My Name is Asher Lev. Paintings were used to convey the abstract and intangible; Asher said: â€Å"I worked for – what? How could I explain it? For beauty? No, Many of the pictures I painted were not beautiful. For what, then? For a truth I did not know how to put in words. For a truth I could only bring to life by means of colour and line and texture and form†(Potok, 2003, p. 369) In his controversial painting, Asher uses the crucifiction scene as a symbolism of his mothers sufferings, much to the chagrin of his religious community. But even with all the antagonism towards art, he feels that painting was but a natural way to express his feelings.             Literary elements give writers the means to project the qualities as well as develop the personalities of their characters. All protagonists in the aforementioned books were presented with points of conflict that each of them must address and contend with. Various symbolic representations, those that attribute certain intangible meanings to things, events, and other sensuous manifestations, were also utilized in order to highlight the protagonists personal issues and struggles. Thematic concepts tell what the stories are about and help reveal how each character progresses. References  Austen, J. (2003). Emma. New York: Oxford University Press. Potok, C. (2003). My name is Asher Lev. New York: Random House. Potok, C. (1986). On being proud of uniqueness. (J. Gladson, Ed.) In La Sierra University         website. Retrieved July 24, 2006, from       unique.html. Twain, M. (1999). The adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Peaceable Conflict Resolution through Open Markets :: Business Essays
Peaceable Conflict Resolution through Open Markets Scarcity is the condition where human wants exceed the means to satisfy those wants. Human wants seldom reveal their bounds while the means to satisfy human wants are indeed limited. As a result scarcity's enduring legacy is conflict and one of the conflict issues is: who will have use rights to goods and services. A tiny example of conflict, amongst millions, is California's coastline. California might have thousands of acres of beachfront property but there might be tens of millions of families who want to reside on those beachfront properties. Given that there is not enough beachfront property to satisfy the wants of all of those tens of millions of families, some will have to make do with their wants not being satisfied. It also means there will be conflict, namely who will have their wants satisfied and who will not. Whenever there is conflict, there must be conflict resolution, in our example a mechanism for deciding who will have the right to reside on beachfront property. It so happens that conflict over who shall have the right to reside on California's beachfront property is resolved through the market mechanism. Whoever is willing and able to bid the highest price wins the right to reside on beachfront property. The conflict over who shall reside on beachfront property is resolved so peaceably that it goes unnoticed by the rest of us. There are no demonstrations, court battles, political lobbying, not to mention armed conflict by people disgruntled by the outcome. The market mechanism is not the only way to resolve conflict. Another method of conflict resolution is government fiat where the government decides who has the right to reside on beachfront property. Government officials could employ selection criteria such as age, family composition and size, length of state citizenship or most any other selection criteria. Since it is not economic criteria that decide who has the right to reside on beachfront property, of necessity it must be non-economic criteria. As such it will pay people to organize to lobby government to use selection criteria that favors them the most. Homogeneous groupings are often the most effective coalitions to lobby politicians and government officials. These groupings may be based on class, race, religion, region, age and most any other non-economic attribute. Coalitions created on these bases have been some of the most violent and divisive known to mankind.
Monday, November 11, 2019
How The Internet has Affected the Music Industry Essay
When Tim-Berners Lee dreamt up the, then, crazy idea, of an inter-global network, I’m sure very few people had the same optimism in believing that it could happen in the future. Over the last ten years, the Internet has evolved from just web pages to e-mail, to online gaming, to viewing sport and film previews, and to buying and downloading music online. The Internet has now become one of the music industry’s greatest markets, estimated to reach over 25% of sales in five years. This may be true, yet the Internet is also one of the music industries greatest enemies. For some years now online shopping has been available to anyone with a credit card and an Internet connection. E-commerce retailers such as sell everything from garden tools, to C.D’s and mini-discs. It is only in the last couple years however, that online shopping has taken off. Before this the public and businesses alike had not been taking full advantage of this phenomenal asset, which has been proven to save companies millions. It was only with the creation of Windows 98 and other Internet programs that people were sure that their credit card numbers and personal details could not be viewed by another person, or ‘hacked’. Once this huge hurdle was overcome, the way we used the Internet and the effect it had on the music industry had changed forever. The close relationship between the Internet and the music industry has led to many dramatic revolutions. First of all it has changed the way in which we purchase music. It has also opened up a new medium for record companies and musicians to promote their music, and now consumers can listen to music via technology such as RealAudio. Also, with peoples Internet connections getting faster all the time, and now with the invention broadband Internet, you can listen to music through Internet Radio Stations whilst still surfing the Internet, a new technique called ‘streaming’. From a consumers point of view this is all excellent news, and I am sure there is yet more to come. But from the music industry’s perspective, not all of this new technology is helping their cause. Many areas of the music industry have been affected in a bad way, areas such as musicians and record companies worry about copyrights, songwriters and music publishers also worry about copyrights, and distributors and high street retailers worry about sales, and they should be worried as C.D shipments went down by 7% in the first six months of 2002. Copyrights are based on control of the market: how and when a copyright work is used. So the Internet has changed the foundations of the music industry. Because it is so easy and inexpensive to create a website, this makes it easy to put someone’s copyrighted work on to your website and the Internet, therefore making it available for anyone to listen to or copy. As many consumers will still download this copyrighted music for free it is obvious that they do not believe that copyrights stand for much. This is all part of a much larger problem, controlling the distribution of copyrighted music on the Internet, a task that surely is near impossible with so many websites committing copyright fraud. The most famous example of copyright fraud occurred on June 1, 1999. With Microsoft’s supreme dominance over the computing industry and the Internet, not many other companies get a look in. In the end it took a first year university student called Shawn Fanning with the help of funding from his uncle to disrupt the balance of power. It was with the creation of an MP3 website called Napster that the public really took to downloading music from the Internet. Up until the formation of Napster, the technology had been available but had not really made it into the mainstream. You might say that it was Napster that revolutionised the way we obtain music from the Internet, not the new technology. There was however, one fatal flaw with this website. All the music that was being ‘shared’, had copyright to its name, and Napster was using these songs without paying the record companies. So on December 7, 1999, The Recording Industry Association of America sued Napster for copyright infringement. They were asking for damages of $100,000 each time a song was copied. This however did not stop Napster operating as normal, it was only when they were sued by the hugely popular rock band Metallica that Napster was prompted to take action, or at least look like they were taking action. It was on October 31, 2000 that Napster announced a new partnership with Bertelsmann-RCA in which Bertelsmann put  £26,000,000 into Napster to keep it going. Then on July 26, 2001 a federal judge ordered to shut down Napster, but the music industry’s elation did not last long, just two days later it was up and running again. Now Napster is working together with major record companies EMI, Sony Music Entertainment and Universal to develop a system where consumers using the service will pay per song or a monthly subscription fee. This is a new system, which will attempt to benefit everyone. So despite the early indications that all this technology would go to waste, Microsoft, the record companies and Internet companies seem to have sorted themselves out. The Internet may have once been a huge enemy for the music industry, but it seems like the Internet is now on its way to having an extremely positive affect on the music industry.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Networking Concepts and Applications Essay
One of the key differences between different network types is their geographical scope. A local area network, or LAN, is made up of a smaller group of computers linked together and located in the same small area such as a room, a floor or a building. A backbone network, or BN, is a larger network which connects multiple LANs, WANs, MANs or other BNs together and can range from a few hundred feet to miles in size. Metropolitan area networks, or MANs, normally range in size from a few miles up to thirty miles and LANs and BNs from different areas to each other as well as to WANs. Wide area networks, or WANs, can be hundreds or thousands of miles in size and connect MANs and BNs across these distances. Question 14: Explain how a message is transmitted from one computer to another using layers. The message is first created at the application layer using a software application. This software translates the message based on the protocol being used to transfer the message and places the necessary information along with the message into a Protocol Data Unit (PDU) which is also known as a ‘packet’. This packet is then passed on to the Transport Layer. The transport layer, using its own Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP, takes the packet from the application layer and places it in a TCP packet along with whatever additional data the TCP segment requires, and passes it along to the Network Layer. The Network Layer, as with the previous layers, has its own protocols. In this case we’ll use the Internet Protocol, or IP. IP determines the next destination as the message is routed through the network, places the TCP packet inside an IP packet along with any additional required data and passes in on to the Data Link Layer. The Data Link Layer will again have its own protocols and rules for transmitting the message and will format the message with the necessary start and stop markers, add error checking data, place the IP packet within a new packet based on the Data Link Layer protocol being used and pass it on to the Physical Layer. The Physical Layer is whatever physical hardware is being used to transmit the message to the other computer. The hardware then converts the data passed to it into a series of electrical pulses and sends them across the network to their destination. The electrical pulses are then captured by the receiving hardware, which then passes the Data Link Layer packet to be unpacked by the Data Link Layer. From there the Network Layer’s packet is passed on to the Network Layer to be unpacked. The Transport Layers packet is passed on to the Transport Layer which finally passes the Application Layer’s packet on to be processed by the Application Layer. Question 17: Describe two important data communications standards-making bodies. How do they differ? One major data communications standards making body is the Telecommunications Group, or International Telecommunications Union. The Telecommunications Group is standards setting group based out of Geneva with members from approximately 200 countries and focuses on setting technical standards. Another is the Internet Engineering Task Force, or IETF, is an organization which sets the standards which govern how much of the internet operates. While both of the organizations are similar in that they are standard making bodies focused on data communications, they differ in the scope of their focus as well as the structure of membership. The ITU’s membership is made up of representatives from different countries around the world and focuses on technical standards for international telecommunications. The IETF’s membership completely different, the IETF membership is open to anyone and anyone may attend their meetings and receive their mailings. They also have a much narrower focus and solely set standards regarding the operation of the internet. References FitzGerald, J., & Dennis, A. (2009). Business data communications and networking. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Estimating a Trees Age Without Cutting the Tree
Estimating a Trees Age Without Cutting the Tree Foresters determine tree ages by counting the growth rings of a severed tree stump or by taking a core sample using an increment borer. Still, it is not always appropriate to use these invasive methods to age a tree. There is a noninvasive way to estimate tree age in common trees where they are grown in a forest environment. Growth Depends on Species Trees have different growth rates, depending on their species. A red maple with a 10-inch diameter and competing with other forest-grown trees can easily be 45 years old while a neighboring red oak with the same diameter would only be approximately 40 years old. Trees, by species, are genetically coded to grow at about the same rate under similar conditions. A formula was previously developed and used by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) to predict and determine a forestland trees age. Running the calculations and comparing them to a species growth factor is regionally and species-specific, so these should be considered very rough calculations and can vary by region and site index. The ISA says that tree growth rates are affected tremendously by conditions such as water availability, climate, soil conditions, root stress, competition for light, and overall plant vigor. Further, the growth rates of species within genera can vary significantly. So, only use this data as a very rough estimate of a trees age. Estimating a Tree's Age by Species Begin by determining the tree species and taking a diameter measurement (or convert circumference to a diameter measurement) using a tape measure at diameter breast height or 4.5 feet above stump level. If you are using circumference, you will need to make a calculation to determine the tree diameter: Diameter Circumference divided by 3.14 (pi). Then calculate the age of a tree by multiplying the trees diameter by its growth factor as determined by species (see list below). Here is the formula: Diameter X Growth Factor Approximate Tree Age. Lets use a red maple to calculate age. A red maples growth factor has been determined to be 4.5 and you have determined that its diameter is 10 inches: 10 inch diameter X 4.5 growth factor 45 years. Remember that the growth factors provided are more accurate when taken from forest grown trees with competition. Growth Factors by Tree Species Red Maple Species - 4.5 Growth Factor X diameterSilver Maple Species - 3.0 Growth Factor X diameterSugar Maple Species - 5.0 Growth Factor X diameterRiver Birch Species - 3.5 Growth Factor X diameterWhite Birch Species - 5.0 Growth Factor X diameterShagbark Hickory Species - 7.5 Growth Factor X diameterGreen Ash Species - 4.0 Growth Factor X diameterBlack Walnut Species - 4.5 Growth Factor X diameterBlack Cherry Species - 5.0 Growth Factor X diameterRed Oak Species - 4.0 Growth Factor X diameterWhite Oak Species - 5.0 Growth Factor X diameterPin Oak Species - 3.0 Growth Factor X diameterBasswood Species - 3.0 Growth Factor X diameterAmerican Elm Species - 4.0 Growth Factor X diameterIronwood Species - 7.0 Growth Factor X diameterCottonwood Species - 2.0 Growth Factor X diameterRedbud Species - 7.0 Growth FactorDogwood Species - 7.0 Growth Factor X diameterAspen Species - 2.0 Growth Factor X diameter Considerations for Aging Street and Landscape Trees Because trees in a landscape or park are often pampered, protected, and sometimes older than forest-grown trees, it is more of an art to aging these trees without significant error. There are foresters and arborists with enough tree core and stump evaluations under their belts who can age a tree with a degree of accuracy. Its important to keep in mind that it is still impossible to do anything but estimate a tree age under these conditions. For younger street and landscape trees, pick a genus or species from above and reduce the Growth Rate Factor by half. For old to ancient trees, significantly increase the Growth Rate Factor.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Advantages Of Bathtub Refinishing
Advantages Of Bathtub Refinishing There are so many ways that we can refurnish our bathtub, as it’s good for our health and our potency. First, it has a lower price than reinstatement. If you would like to buy an entire new bath, it will not only be the acquisition price. You need to think about the cost of the plumber and the restoration of the encompassing environment which requires all the costly, shiny, expensive components. Imagine if you asked someone to design your bathroom, and there is not only designing costs, you will need to pay the plumber as well as the material costs! It might not be a wise choice to dump it so much money to build a new tub when you have other costs to adhere to, furthermore, you should just refurnish it so that it looks brand new and your whole family can enjoy your glamorous new tub! Furthermore, it saves time. The refurbished look can last up to 10 years, if done properly. One might feel the temptation to save money and just take up the whole project by doing it all be yourself. A finishing kit can be obtained in the grocery or hardware shop. If you’re not ready for this, don’t do it, as it requires a lot of preparatory work. The chemical used for refurbishing your bathroom smells and could be detrimental to your health. If you’re not ready for the job, don’t do it. Reconsider your options and use a respirator mask and make sure the room is properly ventilated. Next, you can give new life to your bathroom. There is no need to let dirty fixtures damage your bathroom. You can fix the sink and make it shiny like brand new! If your refurbish your sink and bathtub, you will be able to make your bathroom beautiful again. Once you get a new renovation for your bathroom essentials, it will generally look like a brand new bathroom again! Your whole family will be happy to enjoy sleeping in a bathtub full of roses! It also looks good when your neighbors or family members and friends pop in to visit your place and decided to take a piss. They will definitely be pleasantly surprised at your newly refurbished bathroom. Moreover, it saves time to refurbish your bathtub. It is rather conducive as it only takes you about two days to turn your bathroom looks into a new one. It would definitely be a plus point than replacing your whole bathroom into a new one, as the plumbing costs and the designing costs are also takes a lot of time and you may need to refurbish more than one bathroom. It will take a lot of time if you want to turn every one of your bathroom into a new one. Technically, it will definitely be a hassle if you had to prepare the designs of all the bathrooms in your house! It takes time to talk to discuss with the contractors as well! Lastly, you don’t have to hire a constructor or a plumber to get the job done. The technician can just use chemical cleaner or an industrial spray to apply the top coating of the bathroom and get a whole new look on the primary surface. The chemical smell will disappear in a day, and you’re done! After looking at all the benefits of refurnishing your bathroom, would you rather refurnish it or obtain a new one? Do some research and do not make lofty decisions! Always remember that there is a second option and always make sure that you weigh options before making the final decision.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Branding & Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Branding & Communication - Assignment Example There are multiple stakeholders affected by corporate branding such as investors or employees. Impacts created by corporate branding can be determined in terms of evaluation of services or products, corporate culture and identity, brand extensions, employment applications, sponsorship, etc. Brand refers to design, name or term that can differentiate one product from another. Branding concepts are widely used in advertising campaigns, business and marketing activities. This study would comprise of implications of corporate branding. These implications shall be determined in context of both consumers and companies. Corporate branding examples will be included in this study in order to analyze consequences of corporate branding strategy. This approach facilitates economies of scope and initiates rapid new product acceptance. The reason being potential buyers are more familiar with brand name. There are negative implications of corporate branding. It reduces scope for positioning of a pa rticular brand. Different products encompass unique characteristics and this in turn requires distinguished branding activities. Multiple touchpoints can be effectively incorporated by branding. Corporate branding is not confined to any specific name or mark. The touch points emphasized on by branding approach are customer service, training and employee treatment, logo, product or service quality, advertising campaign, stationary and packaging. Brand is usually considered to be an intangible asset of a company. It is most valuable asset of any organization since it enables customers to strongly associate with any corporate brand. Brands are efficiently managed by owners so as to provide value to shareholders. This study will also comprise of differences between product and corporate brand, along with their symbolic and functional attributes. Effective corporate branding strategies not only initiate high sales margins but even guarantee long term customer relationship with
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