Thursday, October 31, 2019
Libya and Qatar's role in the Libyan Revolution Essay - 1
Libya and Qatar's role in the Libyan Revolution - Essay Example In the eastern city of Benghazi, there are headquarters of the opposition forces whose fighters have stronghold in the Jebel Nafusa.These rebels took over the village of Gualish that stood at a distance of about 90 km from Tripoli.This takeover was followed by a deadly battle between hundreds of fighters. The forces of Col. Muammar Gaddafi have conventionally displayed strong determination to overpower the rebels. The government troops are equipped with a broad range of weapons which keep the rebels from advancing permanently. In Gualish, battles could be seen smouldering in the houses located on the battlefield that were abandoned by the local people. Looters entered the buildings and the rebel fighters siphoned petrol from the petrol filling stations. The rebels replaced the green flag of Gaddafi’s Libya with their own red, black, and green flag in several places which imitated their attempt to free Libya. Prior to the entrance of rebels in the area, Nato had bombed some of the heaviest weapons possessed by Col Gaddafi. A rebel fighter said, â€Å"The Gaddafi forces booby-trapped some of the houses with trip wires and explosives †¦ We had to be very careful as we went through the town†(Doyle). Gualish is only at a distance of about 45 km from Gharian, that is the strategic garrison town controlled by Gaddafi’s soldiers. Rebels could not immediately reach Tripoli, but Gharian has remained a target for the uprising. The main north-south road that connects Tripoli to the Sahara desert is dominated by Gharian. According to the rebels, Col Gaddafi kept arms depots in the desert and also recruited fighters from other countries in the same desert. A young Libyan woman who was the member of the youth protest movement said, Now people are dying we’ve got nothing else to live for. What needs to happen is for the killing to stop. But that won’t happen until he [Gaddafi] is out. We just want to be able to live like human beings. N othing will happen until protests really kick off in Tripoli, the capital. It’s like a pressure cooker. People are boiling up inside. I’m not even afraid any more. Once I wouldn’t have spoken at all by phone. Now I don’t care. Now enough is enough. †¦ I’ve seen violent movies and video games that are nothing compared to this. I can hear gunshots, helicopters circling overhead, then I hear the voices screaming. I can hear the screeching of four-by-fours in the street. No one has that type of car except his [Gaddafi's] people. My brother went to get bread, he’s not back; we don’t know if he’ll get back. The family is up all night every night, keeping watch, no one can sleep. (Worthington). But such views of the public seemed to both Col Muammar Gaddafi seemed little. â€Å"I am a glory that will not be abandoned by Libya, the Arabs, the United States, and Latin America... revolution, revolution, let the attack begin,†Gaddafi cited in Ashour). Such a behavior is typical of the Dean of Arab leaders who has ruled Libya as a self-declared King for over 42 years. Gaddafi has made a large number of show-stopping appearances at various gatherings within the Arabian Peninsula and abroad (Asser). It is not only his outlandish clothing that makes him stand out, but is also his unconventional attitude and blunt speeches. Uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia resulted into immense bloodshed and became the cause of demise of Hosni Mubarak and Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, but Colonel Gaddafi would not relinquish authority without an intensely deadly encounter. One of his sons, Khamis led the uprising’s brutal suppression in Benghazi. Khamis is â€Å"the Russian-trained commander of an elite special forces unit†(Worthington). Gaddafi has also had full support of his other sons. However, the tactics used by Gaddafi have boxed him in. It will be difficult for him to face internal exile like Hosni Mubarak or else, seek refuge abroad like Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nursing Issues in healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nursing Issues in healthcare - Essay Example Patricia has served various leadership roles at Scripps Health, Presbyterian Intercommunity and Southwest Healthcare. In addition to leadership skills, she has a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a master’s in nursing leadership. As a leader, Patricia is charged with making sure that the hospital meets its patient care, clinical and staffing standards. She also advises senior management on the best nursing practices and patient care. She is also responsible for managing nursing budgets, establishing nursing policies and procedures. Patricia also plans patient services and participates in cross-departmental decision making with other top managers. In addition, Patricia is responsible for all the nursing departments in the hospital. The discussion regarding generational considerations in nursing was very helpful because the leader provided a lot of light and information on the issue. Recently, much attention has focused on the generational cohorts that define the current society. The generational groups include the veterans, baby boomers, generation x, generation Y and the home landers (Stanley, 2010). The groups have difference defining characteristics and pose different challenges for nurse leaders. As such, it is important for nurse leaders to possess awareness of the generational differences and the accompanying varying communication styles for the different groups. Understanding the groups has implication in nursing from two perspectives. Firstly, it facilitates communication between the nurse and the patients or families. Secondly, it enhances communication among nurses and other health professional working together. The traditionalists are an old generation with members who follow the rules, value authority and chain of command. They are likely to respond to formal communication than casual or a direct approach. The baby boomers grew in a time of prosperity that formed the basis for their
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Why is Frankenstein Guilty?
Why is Frankenstein Guilty? I may die; but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery. Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful. -The Monster, Ch. 20 I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on. In Waltons final letter to his sister, he recounts the words that the monster speaks to him over Victors dead body. This eruption of angry self-pity as the monster questions the injustice of how he has been treated compellingly captures his inner life, giving Walton and the reader a glimpse into the suffering that has motivated his crimes. This line also evokes the motif of abortion: the monster is an unwanted life, a creation abandoned and shunned by his creator. Frankenstein was a man whose ambition led to a disaster; His actions led to evil. Is Frankenstein an innocent? In my opinion, he was not an innocent. The meaning of innocent is to free from evil or guilt. The word Frankenstein is defined in the dictionary (Encarta Dictionary) as a creator of something that causes ruin or destruction, or brings about a personal downfall, showing a well suited name. A common quotation is that One is innocent until proved guilty, If this quotation is applied to Victor Frankenstein, he would be innocent, for creating a human, which was morally and contextually incorrect; He would be innocent for allowing the murders of William, Justine, Elizabeth and Clerval to take place. It may be true that Frankenstein did not physically murder, however, he is the main cause, and the reason they died. Frankenstein never admitted to his families what he had done; he never took responsibility for his actions. The so called monster murdered for companionship, not to seek revenge from his victims, but to seek revenge from Frankenstein. The circumstances forced Frankensteins monster to do so, Victor was the instigator of these circumstances. My first thought was to discover what I knew of the murderer and cause instant pursuit to be made. But I paused when I reflected on the story I had to tell.(Frankenstein, Mary Shelley), This shows that Victor had the knowledge that he was the reason William was dead. Frankenstein didnt need to know about the murderer, because he indirectly was the murderer, through the circumstances he created for the monster, as I mentioned briefly before. Frankensteins reason for creating the creature was his interest in his studies, which led him to the idea of bettering mankind. Victor thought he was doing a service to humanity by creating a new human. A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption. This quote shows his ego behind these plans. He wanted to conquer death, something the average human could not do. He wanted to be revered highly by this so called perfect and beautiful creature. According to him, it may have been acceptable to play the role of god; maybe his being a scientist is why he didnt think of what was morally correct. However, the quote shows that right from the start, Victor had an idea of how he would somewhat be stepping into the shoes of a godlike figure, he outlines the fact that he would be superior, and he would have the power to renew the dead. This proves that he had no innocence, or naivety in terms of knowing precisely what he was doing and what it would lead to. After creating his creature, on the basis of aesthetics, he shunned it. He may also have shunned it because he already conquered death, so in his view, he may have already obtained the status of god, or a superior power, something no one had achieved. He didnt think about anything past the ugliness of the creature, or his personal benefits. His selfishness is what ultimately destroyed him and others as well. The creature he created is more like a project to Frankenstein, his aim is to conquer death, and once he has done so, the project is over. Not once does he consider the fact that he has simply given birth to a new human being, with feelings and emotion, a live creature who has to be taught the ways of life as if it is a baby. Frankensteins abandonment of the creature is another factor that proves him guilty, and not innocent. Frankenstein was wrong for being irresponsible, short sighted, and neglecting his creature. He didnt give his creature anything he needed. Its his own fault that the creature comes back saying I may die; but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your misery. Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful. The creature was deprived of the companionship, which he could only get from his creator. The creature figures that the only way he can get some attention, is by threatening his creator. This could be compared to a situation with a child and a parent. Frankenstein is somewhat the parent of his creature. His job is to nurture him, but because of his own ego, he runs away. If it were a parent and a child, the child would be defenceless because it hasnt even developed physically, however the creature is an example where he is an uneducated child, with a higher physical strength. Frankensteins creature thinks through intuition, as any child who hasnt learnt anything would do. He doesnt know whats right and wrong, so he doesnt know its wrong to threaten; he doesnt know its wrong to kill. Blaming him is like blaming a child for breaking a valuable, such as a vase. You cant blame the child because their knowledge hasnt developed, they havent yet learnt. However in the childs case, after making such a mistake, the child would be taught not to do so again, creating a basis of how it is wrong, this does not take place for the creature. It could be argued that the creature shou ld know through Victors fear, but does a child learn anything when it senses fear? No, it anything, it will only learn to keep intimidating. Frankensteins faults of his creation, or you could say his faults in parenting, in fact started from the very beginning. Frankensteins creature is described as having dark black hair, yellow skin, black lips and eyes sunk into his sockets (Shelly 56). Its quite ironic that Frankenstein feared his own creation, he is the one who hand-picked the features his so called perfect man would have. For him to say breathless horror and disgust filled my heart(56), towards a creation of his own, just shows his tendency towards aesthetics, and how backward he is in terms of being accepting, yet how forward he is in terms of doing something new. He is responsible for the way the creature turned out. This once more, proves his irresponsibility, and his view to the creation as a project. His attitude towards the creature is why he was irresponsible. He wasnt serious enough, or perhaps he wasnt ready to face negative consequences, seeing as he was a perfectionist. The background Frankenstein created in terms of nurture is what caused his creature to murder. Victor admitted to creating the monster, but he denied that he drove the monster to commit murder. He wouldnt admit to anyone; not himself, not his family, that he was the one who allowed the murders to take place. He allowed Clerval, his wife Elizabeth, his brother William and Justines death to take place because he didnt take the blame for his actions. If he had admitted to his actions earlier, less deaths would have been caused, if he had been responsible, and given the creature what it needed, he would not be guilty of four murders. In the end, Frankenstein was at loss of everything close to him, he blamed the monster, but it was his fault. He had a faint idea that it was his fault, although no one could possibly be able to admit to murdering the people close to you. The only way he could be innocent, is for not literally taking a knife and stabbing his relatives. However the pain he got from his creature was his own fault. Innocence lies in having no sense of guilt for any action of yours, this, Victor did clearly not have. The creature couldnt stop himself from destroying Victor, because Victor couldnt stop himself from creating the creature. The creature was an innocent; it only reacted to the actions of society. Victor was guilty in every way.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Imperialsim in Madagascar :: essays research papers
Imperialism in Madagascar      When someone is talking about Madagascar usually they are talking about the huge cockroaches people have to eat on Fear Factor but there is so much more to the country than that. During a time when land was being snatched up and claimed by many Euro-Asia countries little had any right or reason to have the land. This time of imperialism effected economic markets, religion, and many other things pertaining to the Malagasy.      Throughout the centuries countries and mankind have always wanted one thing: power. This power can be in many forms such as money, property, friends, or technology. During the 1800s to 1914 many countries found land in Africa that had â€Å"primitive†or â€Å"incompetent†inhabitants so they claimed the country as theirs and took control of it to get more power. I believe France wanted Madagascar because it had found that the country’s land was inadequate for further growth so to posses more land they saw Madagascar and what it had to offer them, and protectorated it.      During the 1600s the Portuguese, the English, and the French, successful or not, tried to colonize Madagascar. This was the first attempt of any kind to penetrate Madagascar. In 1869 the French attained and expanded their political influence in Madagascar. In 1896, after a native rebellion they won the French achieved control and made all of Madagascar a French colony.      In 1810, during King Radama I’s reign, the British introduced Christianity. The Protestant London Missionary Society was welcomed and converted many willing natives. This period lasted until 1835 when in 1828 Radama was succeeded, by his wife Ranavalona I, and Christianity was declared illegal. In addition all Europeans were to leave the country and trade was stopped. This era ended in 1863 when Queen Rasoherina lifted the anti-European policy and missionaries and traders were received once more.      Throughout the French’s control of Madagascar there were several rebellions with at least 15,000 natives killed altogether. The first native rebellion lasted from 1894 until 1896 when a high government official organized a resistance to the French which ended with the French exiling the queen and gaining complete power over the nation. The second was in 1916 when the French uncovered a secret nationalist society that was outlawed and hundreds of its members were taken prisoner. The largest revolt was in 1947 and lasted nearly two years. This was a major uprising against the French, who crushed the rebellion, killing between 11,000 and 80,000 Malagasy (according to different estimates).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Competitor Analysis of Dahlie Essay
Main Competitors Although Darlie has gained a large market share in the toothpaste market in Malaysia, it still faced the competition from other toothpaste companies in this industry. The two of the main competitors of Darlie in the market are Sensodyne and Colgate. As the world largest producer and manufacturer of toothpaste, Colgate becomes the greatest competitor of Darlie. Colgate has survived in this industry for such a long time and has established its influence among the customers. It has successfully making the customers to have brand loyalty toward Colgate. Besides that, Colgate has different types of toothpaste, which can satisfy different needs of the customers. This has fulfilled the needs and wants of the customers and directly competes with Darlie as the product range of Colgate and Darlie are quite similar. Nowadays, a lot of people are facing different types of teeth problems, such as sensitive teeth, gum disease and tooth decay. Therefore, they tend to buy the toothpaste which can he lp them to solve their teeth problems. Sensodyne is focusing on solving sensitive teeth problem and is recommended by dentist to be used. It has shaped the brand image of Sensodyne to become professional and high class toothpaste. Therefore, although Darlie also has their own sensitive teeth toothpaste, people still prefer Sensodyne as the look for the brand image. Therefore, Colgate and Sensodyne become two of the main competitors for Darlie in Malaysia toothpaste market. Comparison of Colgate and Its Competitors Darlie Colgate Sensodyne Market share in Malaysia In 2011, Darlie’s market share is 31%. In 2011, Colgate’s market share is 60%. In 2011, Sensodyne’s market share is 5%. Target customer Their target customers are those urban people who are above 18 years old, and pay attention to their oral health. The target customer is mothers with kids who make toothpaste buying decisions for the family and people who care for their oral health. The target customer is the adults from 20 to 60 years old who faced sensitive teeth problem. Promotion Using websites, advertisements and TV commercial to advertise. Having promotions in supermarket. Using website, advertisement, and TV commercial to advertise. Having some promotions by giving free gifts. Colgate School Program: give out free samples to kids and teach kids the way to brush teeth properly. Bright Smile, Bright Future program: promote the importance of oral health through education and prevention. Using websites, various advertisements and TV commercial to attract customers. Promotion through dentist and dental clinic. â€Å"Chill Test†in hypermarket. Price The price range of Colgate is between RM7.95 to RM10.60. The most expensive toothpaste is Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief. The cheapest toothpaste is the Colgate Regular tube. The price range of Sensodyne toothpaste is from RM9.90 to RM12.90. Product Having different range and types of toothpaste. For instance, fresh breath, whitening, sensitive teeth and enamel protection. Specializing in the preservation and treatment of oral hygiene. Create an array of 40 different patented toothpastes keeping Colgate competitive. Having 13 different classifications and varieties of Colgate toothpaste. Consists of different types of toothpaste, but mainly focuses on the sensitive teeth issue. Place Almost at all supermarket and mini market. Very convenience to buy it. Almost all super markets and pharmacies carry Colgate Toothpaste. Can sometimes be found in more prominent locations when on sale or launching new products into the market. Distributed indirectly. Available in all hypermarkets, supermarkets and pharmacies, Chinese medical halls and mini markets in Malaysia. Length of time in business Darlie started its business since 1933. It has taken 80 years in the toothpaste industry. Colgate-Palmolive started its business in 1806. It has taken 207 years in the toothpaste industry. GSK produced Sensodyne in 1961. It has taken 52 years in the toothpaste market. (Source from: Colgate, 2013 and Sensodyne, 2013)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Huffman Trucking system Inventory Essay
Material System Inventory Select and complete one of the following assignments: Option 1: Virtual Organization System Inventory Option 1: Virtual Organization System Inventory Select one of the following Virtual Organizations: Smith Systems Consulting Huffman Trucking Kudler Fine Foods Complete the following chart, filling in information for each system used at that Virtual Organization. Add rows to the chart as necessary. System Name Brief Description Department to Use the System Purpose of the System Connects With Development Details Corporate Intranet This system supports the Business Infrastructure consisting of 72 clients with 15 printers and 1 plotter. The phone system is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) with 68 stations throughout the company. Executive offices, Marketing, Sales Dept. , HR, Accounting departments This system allows the company to communicate, run the business, update HR information and accounting Full mesh WAN, running an OC-2 encryption, fiber based dedicated VPN- Ohio Office, Remote Administration, Remote IT operations, Remote Trucking Operations, Hub facilities in Cleveland, OH, Los Angeles, CA, St. Louis, MO, Bayonne, NJ Huffman Trucking is a native of Cleveland Oh. and was founded in 1936. The growth of the company was due to the WWII and the demand for carriers services from the factories to the ports. Mission statement: To be a profitable, growing, adaptive company in an intensively competitive logistical services business environment. Vision Statement: To be a model company to our stockholders, employees, customers and all stakeholders. System Name Brief Description Department to Use the System Purpose of the System Connects With Development Details SAP ERP This system supports the financial systems that are used in the accounting department, inventory management, HR, CRM, Accounting, HR, Trucking operations Allows the corporation to record the financial aspects, Human Resources, Benefits, trucking operations Corporate Intranet Huffman employees over 1,350 personnel, supports over 800 road tractors, 2,100 trailers and 260 â€Å"roll on/off units. This system can adapt to a medium to large corporate infrastructure and meet all financial needs as well. 50 KVS A UPS This is the backup power supply for the corporations computer mainframe, servers Corporation IT Operations To provide power to the IT operations in event of a power outage, failure Corporation Network This system can be updated to support a larger network if needed and additional or larger UPS systems can be installed. Trucking Operations: MTC Fleet Maintenance Pro 12 The MTC Fleet maintenance keeps the corporation with a schedule of maintenance, and repairs for the individual vehicles Trucking operations To keep a schedule of maintenance for all corporate vehicles, Corporation Network This system allows the company to track and conduct the preventive maintenance for the 800 plus tractors and additional equipment at an interval of 25,000 miles. SW Package for MTC Fleet Maintenance Used for management of the warehouses Warehouses Allows the company to keep track of the inventory at any given time or place Corporation Network Motorola MC 9090-C RFID / Bar code scanner system Used for tracking the location of all vehicles owned by the corporation Operations employees Allows the company to keep the inventory up to date for parts Satellite locator and monitoring comm. ystem SW package for traffic management Traffic management Truck drivers Allows the company to track the trucks and to assign bar codes to the Motorola 2 way radios Satellite locator and monitoring comm. System, Motorola VC 6096 Network Backup system Used for backup of all computer systems configurations and information Administration and IT department Allows the company to restore their records and transa ctions performed on a daily basis Corporation Network System Name Brief Description Department to Use the System Purpose of the System Connects With Development Details
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